Day 29- Perfection

I don’t understand why we describe people as perfect. Especially at the moment and in social media culture. Today I heard a lot of people being described as perfect.

If I described someone as perfect I would be holding them to impossible standards, and setting myself an impossible target. Things can be perfect, and I don’t doubt that experiences can be perfect, but people can’t. We just cannot be perfect. People are inherently flawed and calling them perfect is unfair to them and you. If we aren’t flawed we aren’t human.

Learning how to use our flaws, or better them, is what being human is all about. So why would I want to be perfect anyway? Life would be boring.

God is perfect. But luckily for me I’m not held up to his standards because of Jesus’ death. So why should I hold other people, or myself to those standards when in reality we will fail every time?


Day 29- Perfection

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