Day 2- I am not Samson

I woke up this morning (in my beanie because I live in Scotland, it’s the middle of winter, and having no hair leaves you COLD) and felt awful. I reluctantly got out of bed, walked over to the mirror and as I took the beanie off I despairingly thought to my self “WTF have you done, you whimsical idiot you?! You don’t want to go on a journey of self discovery at all, you want to be a princess who can play with her hair. I told you that you’d regret this.”

But, while I was (morosely) eating my breakfast, one of my best friends texted me. She said “It sounds silly but I know that you’ve given up one of the things that has meant that most to you-that’s so powerful.”

When I went to bed last night, I had FELT powerful. I had received this phenomenal outpouring of love and compliments all day via social media and in person. I’d had people telling me that I was an inspiration, and friends asking about making donations to the charity. I’d served at my new church for the first time by helping to lead praise and worship, which had involved singing in front of people for the first time since I was 17! Then we’d had a bible study about how we are more precious to and loved by God than we as humans can even begin to understand, and He is more powerful and mighty than we could ever comprehend. Knowing that I had Him on my side, paired with the amazing support of my family and friends had left me feeling STRONG.

Unfortunately though, I am but a mere forgetful mortal, and upon waking this sunny morn I felt totally abandoned. That text changed my mood completely. Then, at my work placement, I was walking down the corridor when a lady who worked a few cubicles down from me, but I’d never spoken to, stopped me. She shouted down the corridor behind me “Excuse me”, and I was convinced I was about to get in trouble for taking too long a lunch break (again!). She surprised me though. She said “Sorry, but didn’t you have really long lovely hair last week?” We chatted about why I’d chopped it, and she told me that the new style really suited me and that she thought it was such a great thing that I’d done.

Both of these people took the time out of their day today to spread a little love my way. Imagine if we all tried to spread love and positivity constantly like that. What if every time that we felt the impulse to tell someone something we love about them- about the way they look, a thing they’ve done, the way that they’ve acted, something they’ve said…imagine if we did it.

I am not Samson. My power and strength does not come from my hair. My power and strength comes from within. And it’s fuelled through love- by God, and the wonderful people around me, whose power and strength I try to fuel in return.




Day 2- I am not Samson